Monday, August 26, 2013

A Prophetic Word - A Standard for The People of God

The following is a Word that was shared at The River at Jacksonville on August 25,2013. Many prophetic words remain relevant long after they are given. I sense the Lord is saying that this is a standard that He wants to impart to His people for the days ahead that we might be His lights as individuals and lampstands (menorahs- Revelation 2:1) as congregations, in an increasingly darkened world, based upon Isaiah 60:1,2:

"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you."

Since these words were originally prophesied to Israel by Isaiah regarding her eventual destiny, should you use it to pray for yourself, others, or the church at large, please consider using it as a format to pray for Israel as wellHere's the word: 

"I send My blessings to you of much joy in My presence in a deeper measure than you have known before, of health and well-being, of Shalom and joyful expectation for the things ahead that I will put in each of your lives, together and individually. I speak wholeness, health, great hope and a grand "HalleluYah" to your inner most beings.  I have anointed you to be the presence of My light in any darkness you encounter, the voice of overcoming faith in the midst of trouble, and confidence in Me in places of doubt.  I am enabling you to be  “handlers of hope” and keepers of Kingdom reality to all with whom I would have you speak.

I surround you with favor, with light, and with shalom. I send angels with power to watch over you at all times.  I speak deliverance to each of you from anything that would hinder the quality of life which Yeshua died to give to you.   I send a wall of fire to be maintained around you for protection, and the fire of the Spirit to be upon you for anointing at all times.  I surround you with the atmosphere of the Kingdom of God wherein is only goodness, grace and the glory of the Almighty.  

I will make real what has not yet manifested of My salvation in your lives.  Speak into being what ministry and calling you have yet to walk in to come into fruitfulness with faith and confidence that I will bring it to pass. What you have in your heart to do for Me, believe that I have put it there so that we can do it together.  As you seek Me in confident faith that I am true to My Word, I will align your faith with Mine for My highest will to be done in, and through, your lives. 

I speak great faith to you to overcome all that would try to threaten, weaken, or shortcut your effectiveness or My plans and callings for your lives.   Where there is or has been any disappointment or discouragement, where there is or has been darkness in the places where you have walked through, where there has been rejection or unkind words, I will bring the deepest inner healing as you look to Me in trust, so that you are entirely free in the goodness and full redemption I have purchased for you with Yeshua’s blood.  And in that freedom, be as healers of every sickness of body or soul that you come upon. 

As you keep your trust entirely upon Me, nothing will threaten you, for your lives will be hidden in Me.  As you abide in Me and I abide in you, you will continue to be a blessing to many. You will walk freely in soul and spirit in Me as you learn to rest fully in Me in the deepest parts of your innermost being. Strive not; fret not. It is in rest that you will grow and live in the full redemption I have provided for you as you allow Me to renew your mind through My Word.   

Bless those who do not bless you, that every door to the enemy would be shut in your lives so that what the devil means for evil will be turned into Kingdom good in your lives and the lives of those to whom you impart My love and before whom you live out My truths.  

I am faithful to My Word.  As you believe My Word to be your only reality, My words will bring sweet peace to your souls and a new and deeper closeness to Me and to each other.  Believe for that which Yeshua's death has made yours. You have been fully restored to God so are they not all possible?   It is not only My desire but My plan that all you are and do will be for My glory as you join with Me in participation of the redemption of the world.

Lonnie Lane   8/25/13 
* * * *  

 Lord, for all You are, and for all you have done for us, we thank You, we trust You, we adore you for the goodness, the glory, the favor, the joy, for Your sovereign authority at work in our lives, and all that is ours to enjoy by the gift of Your great grace.  Help us, Lord, to be ever faithful to You at every level of challenge and to live so as to be “the way” for others to come to You.  Amen. 


Saturday, August 10, 2013



Periodically someone finds my articles on the Messianic Vision website ( ) and writes with a question or two. This gentleman wrote with several.  Having already determined through emails with this man that he has sincerely sought the Lord and is born again, I'm assuming these issues are ones of discipleship. Sensing from the Lord that others have similar questions, I have added to my response to him below.  Here’s what he wrote and then my expanded answer.
Please also see Speaking in tongues and prophesy to more of his questions in the article below this one.

His Questions: When a person receives the Lord spirit how are they different than regular person. Can the spirit go away and come back or stay there forever?  Can the person that received the Lord’s spirit live a normal life on this earth? We live in a sinful world -  how are we to communicate with people in business, worker and so on? Can an individual talk to God directly and communicate with Him? How can we spend time with the Lord when we have a lot of things on our mind? Do you receive the blessing and the spirit at the same time? I still have not been able to receive the Lord's spirit and feel it in my body and my soul.  

My Answers:  First of all, if you didn’t already have the Spirit of God at work in your life, I doubt you would be looking for answers to these kinds of questions in order to be closer to Him. When you want more of God, it’s really Him drawing you to Himself. I suspect the reason you are troubled by these questions, is that you have not had the chance to be properly taught many of these areas of life in the Spirit. I thought about entitling these two articles, “Things your church didn’t teach you but should have if this information is new to you.”  Discipleship is not always a high priority in our churches, especially to equip new believers with the whole picture of what we have in God.  

For a sense of the whole picture of what your salvation really entails, you are welcome to check out my Meeting Jesus ~ Knowing God discipleship e-book on this blog. 
When a person receives the Spirit through accepting that Yeshua paid the price for their sins and welcomes Him into their lives as Lord, they now have the very nature of God living within them. Isn't that amazing?!  It's really the way God had created Adam and Eve in the first place, to be one with God through His Spirit which Adam, as the first human, received when God breathed life into Him and he became a “living soul.” Breath and Spirit are the same word in Hebrew - Ruach. That kind of “living” means having the Spirit of God within him. Other creatures (animals, etc.) were created to live in the natural, but God's breath breathed into Adam made him "alive" with the Holy Spirit of God, able to interact with God at the highest level. Imagine the intelligence and power they must have had!  
When we accept Yeshua's death on the cross for our own sins, we are restored back to the relationship with God that Adam and Eve had before they sinned. Yeshua said in John 17 in His farewell prayer at the last Passover supper, that he was giving to His disciples the glory which God had given to Him (John 17:22). That means He was giving His disciples, which includes those of us who are His disciples today, who follow Him, the Spirit of God. When we have His Spirit, we begin to think different, act different, speak differently, and the things we now desire are godly, while ungodly things begin to lose their hold and interest for us. We may not feel anything different, or we may. But feelings are not the measure, our actions are as our character is affected. We begin to live "by the Spirit," aware of God in our lives where we were not before. 

Living a normal life: We actually live a more normal life than people who do not have Yeshua in their lives.  We can be free from fear because we know God is caring for us; we can make wise decisions because we have the leading of the Spirit; we can be healthier because He is our healer; we can have more peace in our lives and more sound mindedness because, “He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). We are assured of an eternity with God so we have no fear of death.   We do not have to fear poverty or lack, because God has promised to meet our every need. We have a sense of satisfaction in our lives because we do what we do unto or for Him. We have forgiven those who have hurt us or disappointed us so we do not carry any bitterness or anger or resentment.  And if we have any cause for grief or sorrow, He has taken it on the cross so we can release it to Him and His Spirit will bring comfort to us.  We can love when others cannot. We can be free when others are bound  in so many ways.  Yes, we live normal lives. We are so free sometimes that others who are not free may resent our freedom and tell us there’s something wrong with us, but it is they who are not normal. Normal is to live the way God intended us to live, with Him in peace and joy. 

A person living in awareness of God in their lives is likely to be so grateful to Him for His goodness to them and their desire to please God (not to earn His favor, but just because we want to make Him smile, and don’t want anything to come between us and Him), they are not likely to be drawn away by things that would cause the Spirit to withdraw their sense of His presence.  Even King David cried out to God when he sinned, “Take not your Spirit from me.”   Yeshua said, "I will never leave you or forsake you."  That can be counted on to be true throughout the life of a person who is His. He never lies. He is always faithful to His word.  That does not mean that someone does not have the freedom to deliberately walk away from Him if, for some misplaced reason, they choose to reject God and opt, by an act of their will, for something they know is clearly against God.  I’m not talking about a sin we get caught in and hate. I'm talking about rejecting God or choosing to do something you know is not His will, valuing the thing higher than Him, or without caring what He thinks.  I cannot think of a more unwise choice.

We must live by what we know is right in God’s eyes, even when it is not regarded as right to others. Sometimes that’s a difficult choice to make. The fear of man is a trap, but reverence and obedience to God is life and peace.  Our consciences tell us what is good and profitable in the ways of God.  Trust Him to lead you. Ask Him daily to give you wisdom for each day.  Many of us have gotten ourselves into difficult situations, big or small, because we didn’t heed the gentle warning of our conscience, which is God’s gift of wisdom to us.  When you sense something is not clear or right, ask him right where you are,  “Lord, what’s wrong? What do I need to know? Give me wisdom.”  What comes to your mind is likely what He is wanting to show you. He will always protect you if you look to Him.  That’s not to say things don’t happen in our lives that are difficult, or take a while to iron out. They do not necessarily mean that we have failed somewhere to know right from wrong. We live in a fallen and sinful world and “stuff happens.”  We learn from every incident to be more like Him in our choices – and our responses.  As a person whose sins have been erased by the shed blood of Yeshua, God does not look at us as sinners anymore. He looks at us as His beloved children whom He is teaching to grow up to be like Yeshua. He’s promised to do that. We cooperate with obedience but only God can make us God-like. 

Speaking With God.   Of course, you can speak to God. I speak WITH, not just to, Him every day, throughout the day. You have been restored to God through Yeshua's death and resurrection (HalleluYah!) so you have access to God. He will also speak to you if you listen. We must all learn how to listen to God. I started by reading Scripture and writing down what it meant to me or what I thought God was saying. I would write down questions about what I thought the verse or passage was saying, or what it meant to me personally.  Then I would ask, (I still do it even today), "Lord, is there something you wish to tell me about this?"  And when something came to mind, I would write it down in my journal. I soon realized it was as if God was answering me in my thoughts.  Often, going back and reading your earlier journal entries will give you insight you need for today on something you wrote down a while back. This is a good way to begin to learn to hear Him. But most of all – listen! 

Keep in mind that the Bible tells us to test the spirits. Not every spirit is the HOLY Spirit. There are some unholy spirits out there. Be sure that what you are hearing lines up with what the Bible says and that your spirit bears witness with peace and not confusion to what you are ‘hearing.’  Dismiss it if it doesn’t. 

To get back to the question, yes you can speak to God, and you can expect Him to respond because He already said so: "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16). You can come confidently, though always with utmost respect. Speak what you wish and just as importantly, listen to what He's saying.  You are unlikely to hear an audible voice - that's rare - but you will receive an impression or a thought that is His way of speaking to your heart.  Most of all, read your Bible!  Know the Word and you will know what He's saying to you because you will come to know, as you read more and more, what the ways of the Lord are and the way He thinks.  

Thinking With God.   What about spending time with God when your mind is full of things? THINK WITH GOD!  Invite Him in on your thoughts. I realized as a new believer that God was already able to hear me think, He knows everything, so why not "think to God," to make my thinking a part of my relationship with Him. So whatever I'm thinking about, I talk to Him about in my thoughts.  Just like if you shared your thoughts with someone you live with. After all, you do live with Him!   Don't separate Him from the everyday parts of your life.  Allow Him to be in ALL of your life. Enjoy Him even in your smallest thought. You can think to Him, or talk to Him. It doesn't matter. He's there with you.  You can enjoy His presence in your life and deepen your love for him by His constant companionship when you include Him.

I’m not sure what this gentleman mean by "receiving the blessing."  Yeshua Himself in your life is the greatest blessing.  He comes into your life when you ask Him to and are sorry for sin, and that you have lived your life apart from Him before. When you ask Him to be Lord of your life - it's like getting married. You are saying "I do want to live the rest of my life with You." Be assured that He took you up on it and has come into your life. There is no higher blessing than to be one with the King of the Universe, joined to Him by His Spirit. 

At any rate, do not fret. God will bring clarity to you as you keep seeking Him. Just do so in rest that He loves you and will bring you to the place of understanding all things in time.

Don't try and fix the parts of you that aren’t lined up with God or receiving God as you think you should.  Yes, repent from sin. but keep in mind that repentance in the Bible doesn't mean saying you're sorry; it means turning away from the sin and turning toward God. Its an about-face; a determination to abandon the sin.  You may need His help to do it, and He's there to help you. Lean on Him for His help.  Really, only God can change us, only He can do that fixing!  Turn over to Him to make the changes in your that you're wanting. I do it all the time: "God, make me more like Yeshua.  Lord, take away every part of me that is not pleasing to You or profitable for me, naturally, spiritually, financially, relationally.....  Be Lord of my life in every way and teach me all You want me to know about You. .... Make me aware of where you are all around me in my life...."  These are the kinds of things I pray.  Live from the awareness of YESHUA WITHIN you, not from the Adam within your natural self.  Adam will never get you to heaven or to the peace of God.

The Lord has already given you His Spirit. Yes, we wait always for more of Him, but as you have already opened your heart to Him, be assured He is already there with you and in you - forever.  Assume He's there. Stop waiting and start living in Him!  It's that easy.  Some people miss it because it IS that easy. He has already done all the hard part for us.  


This is Part 2 of the questions someone emailed to me. I do not know this person but he presented an opportunity to share some things which will hopefully prove helpful to some of you reading this.

The Question. When someone receives the blessing (of) speaking in tongues what is the meaning? I already opened my heart and (I’m) waiting for the Lord to give me the spirit.  A Prophet and receiv(ing the) Holy Spirit - are they the same or not?  

My Answer.  No, they are not the same. Everyone who is born again will receive a measure of the Spirit of God.  There is a baptism of the Spirit that generally comes to a person after they are born again, though it can happen all at once. Speaking in tongues is generally the sign of one who has been baptized in the Spirit. It is through the power of the indwelling Spirit that one can prophesy.  But not everyone who receives the Spirit of God will or can prophesy. On the other hand, anyone with the Spirit of God can prophesy on occasion – and should!  Tongues are for every Spirit filled believer in Yeshua and so should being able to prophesy.  Someone may speak a word to another person as an encouragement or pray something that they are declaring will come to pass and be prophesying and not even realize it.  If we are sensitive to the Spirit of God and practice being attentive to Him and listen for Him to speak to us, then we can be equipped to speak a word prophetically. I must say, though, that unless we are in a church environment that encourages the prophetic, we do not have an opportunity to develop or practice the gift.  That’s why small groups or home groups are such fertile ground for developing spiritual gifts.

 However, not everyone who speaks a prophetic word is a prophet.   A prophet, or someone who can prophesy on a regular basis, comes from the Spirit manifesting one of the spiritual gifts in that person's life in the same way that God gives pastor, teachers, evangelists and apostles.  The Holy Spirit gives all those spiritual gifts, including prophesy, for the benefit of the congregation or someone else, never just for the benefit of the person who does the prophesying, although the one giving the prophetic word may be blessed in being able to bless someone else with the word. Paul said we should all desire the better gifts which would include prophesy.  But having the gift is not for the prophet's benefit but for other people.  Nor do we receive an ability to prophesy because we have earned it somehow; that's why they are called "gifts" because they are “freely given" by the Spirit. And we cannot seek to prophesy so that it will make us feel closer to God or be the measure of His acceptance of us.  It isn't so we can feel accepted or a bit more special to Him.  None of that is valid. We do not seek to prophesy for our own advantage. Prophesy is almost never about “us” but about others. True prophesy is birthed out of compassion for people.  Compassion was Yeshua's motivating impulse for all He did and said.  

BTW, There are 50 verses using “compassion,” in the Bible, 27 of them in the Old Testament, and 23 of them in the New Testament, if you would like to do a word study for some understanding of God’s compassion.  Studying God’s Word isn’t just about information, it’s impartation that brings transformation to our lives. Studying compassion in the Bible will make you more compassionate. The Holy Spirit will work it in you as you take the Word seriously.

I would stress to you that until you get the very basic foundational issues of your relationship with God, and His love for you, etc., cleared up in your mind, you are not likely to be prophesying the mind of God to anyone.  It could be muddied. Another example: A woman came to our women’s bible study who obviously had a prophetic gift. She could pick things up in the Spirit easily. But when she gave the words, she couched them in her own discouraged and negative mindset as she had been wounded spiritually and it came through when she spoke the words.  When it was pointed out to her gently and lovingly, she was too defensive to receive it. She was the prophetic one and so what she said was right, as far as she was concerned.  Prophesy should edify, exhort and encourage – the Three E’s.  As said above, we will speak out of our own character.  

There are many self appointed prophets speaking words that are supposedly words from God today which are in grave error and can mislead people. When they are flattering or draw you to the prophet rather than to God, or if they make you fearful or discouraged, I would be wary of them.  Even when God convicts us of sin, He does it lovingly with the sense of great hope of being set free. He is never condemning; neither should any prophet be. I am all for hearing from God prophetically, but the Bible is very clear that false prophets who give false prophesies are dangerous and God warns against them.  Only the truth will set us (or keep us) free!

Tips on Giving Prophetic words. We can speak what we believe may be prophetic words from God without all the fancy and high sounding "Thus saith the Lord...." kind of words.  You can more safely (and humbly) say, "I'm hearing (or seeing, or sensing) that God might be saying......” and share what’s on your heart.  If it’s to a group, you can add if you feel so inclined and the situation warrants it, “I’m submitting this to you to judge the word” as the New Testament tells us, “
Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge” (1 Cor. 14:29). Admittedly that’s difficult in the way our church services are set up. That works much more easily in smaller groups. But a person who gives a prophetic word should always be humble enough to be open to the discerning of the word by others as to whether it rings as truly from God or not.  If we are in a loving community of believers, there should be no shame in learning what’s of God and what isn’t. We’re all learning together.  I gave a word recently that I after I gave it, wasn’t sure about myself. I judged my own word and then told everyone just that.  Later a spiritually mature person told me they felt it was from the Lord. It was good to get that confirmation. 

If it’s a personal word – and many words we call prophesy are really or include “words of knowledge” (awareness of something going on in the person’s life) rather than predictive prophesies –  leave it to the person whether they receive it or not. That’s between them and God. It’s never for the prophet to interpret the word for the person they’re giving the word to, or to press them to receive it.  It may make no sense to the prophet but can be personally meaningful to the person receiving the word.  If it's a true word for the person, they will get a witness in their own spirit's that it's true.  If not, you only shared what came to you.  You didn’t risk being called a false prophet. 

If the word was truly from God, it doesn't need all the attempts to make it sound like it really is. The Spirit of God will make it real to the person.  That way, we have avoided any pride in being "a prophet" but we have delivered the word with humility before God and the other person(s) and left it to the Lord to make it real or not to the hearers. 

While every believer is capable of prophesying on some level, not everyone is a prophet. God will occasionally give prophetic words to his people to meet a need of the moment, or a word of encouragement, but that does not mean they are now a prophet.  Someone might be able to function prophetically as they speak a word of encouragement or address an issue prophetically, by giving a word of insight or a Scripture verse that cuts right through to resolve an issue.  But the “office” of a prophet is an entirely different matter. They carry a responsibility and authority that is far greater.  Thanks be to God, there are prophetic people today who walk in great power and revelation and yet, are still quite humble before the Lord. Their words are usually quite significant and rock solid.  There are levels of that kind of prophetic authority. Some will speak to people about their lives, others to things concerning church congregational issues, while others are given insight into political issues, on local, city, state or national issues or even international issues. They have the authority of God to speak things into being at those levels. It is best not to enter into speaking prophetic things in arenas that you don’t know for sure that God has trained you and given you authority in.  A army private or even a second lieutenant should never take the authority or responsibility of a general.  For more on this, see John Paul Jackson’s book, Needless Casualties of War.   

Receiving a word of prophesy.  It’s hard to remember what is said to you, so it’s a good thing the words come from God; He will remember. It’s helpful to take notes or record it on your cell phone if you’re able. You should have a yea and amen in your spirit when you receive a word from God.  Usually the word should confirm something that is already on your heart or something that rings familiar or true to you.  It may even bring peace to something that has troubled you for a long time. The sister of a friend of mine had died, much to his distress. He didn’t know if she was in heaven or not. He was watching a Sid Roth TV show ( www.ItsSupernatural ) one night, stretched out on the couch,.  The guest on the show had a word for someone watching. He said, “I see you lying on a couch with your feet up and you are troubled because you do not know if your sister is in heaven or not. God wants you to know that she is. Be at peace.”  Now that’s the kind of word that’s a joy to receive.

Be careful, however, not to be woo'ed by the showmanship of some prophets who appear as if they are a bit more special than everyone else because they can prophesy.  I attended a meeting where a prophet was ministering to people, giving them words as he walked around the audience. He had a microphone on so we could hear all the words.  But for some reason, he was asking, “Do you receive the prophet?” as if he was an Old Testament prophet and “receiving” him would be equal to receiving the word of God. (This was the case in ancient Israel when God had only one or a few prophets at a time who by the Spirit spoke only the pure words of God.).  What could the people he had standing up by  their seats say but yes. I was glad when he didn’t come to me for if he had asked me that question, I would have had to say (quietly to him, not in the microphone, I would think), “I know nothing about your life or character. I will judge the word to see if I think it’s of God but accepting you is not an issue.”  That’s an extreme case, but crazy things are out there today.  Be discerning!

If there's pride and any kind of exalting themselves in the person giving the word, I would discount what you’re hearing from them.  The gift of prophesy is subject to the prophet (1 Cor. 14:32).  That means we speak out of our own character.  Take every prophecy that you hear to the Lord if it seemed meaningful to you and ask Him to confirm it to you. Actually, most prophesies should confirm what you already sense in your spirit.  Beware of flattery. As an example, I was asked to speak at a conference where words were being given that this one was going to have a great ministry that would be known, and that one was going to be famous; it went on and on. There was much joyful shouting about all that but a word about being quiet and reverent in His presence in order to know truth from error in these days we live in fell flat.  Was their preference for “ear tickling?”  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires” (2 Timothy 4:3). I fear some were being set up for great disappointments or worse, attempts to make the so-called prophetic words come to pass if it wasn’t from God.  

Speaking in Tongues.  While I am now addressing the issue of Tongues, you will see how it also is intertwined here and there with prophesy.

Once we receive the gift of Tongues, and every believer can, we can speak in tongues at will, just as we speak in English. We must open our mouths and put voice to the words. It's quite supernatural and yet is the most natural thing to speak in tongues. Paul said that he spoke in tongues more than anyone else around him. Considering his revelation, it must be a good thing.  Speaking in tongues edifies or strengthens us spiritually, to be more sensitive to the Spirit. For someone who desires to prophesy, speaking in tongues is very important.  It builds up your spirit.  

God always speaks when he is about to do something, beginning with "Let there be light!"  He speaks through us all the time, even when we don't realize it, to encourage or affirm, or lovingly advise others.  He may use us as we pray in tongues prophetically to declare something that He wants to do, as if we’re calling it into reality, pulling it down out of heaven, so to speak, to manifest on the earth. This would be another form of prophesy, which is prophetic prayer.  We can declare things into people’s lives at the leading of the Spirit.  And when we are speaking in tongues, it allows God to "speak" things into our lives, or the lives of others when we pray in tongues for them, especially when it is accompanied by an interpretation. 

We are often speaking what is beyond what we understand at the time. So unless God gives us the interpretation or the sense of what we’re speaking, we may not know what God is doing through the prayer. That is more the case than not. But even so, our spirits are strengthened by the speaking in tongues.  I enjoy singing in tongues and even the lovely melodies are sometimes what seem Spirit-led as I don’t think I would have come up with them on my own.  Other times it seems to be more of a chant when singing in tongues.

Often speaking in tongues will bring us new insight into something.  God may give us insight or even the sense of the person we’re praying for even when not with them. We can be praying privately for others in tongues.  I have prayed for people in the Spirit, that is in tongues, and for one person that I have my thoughts on as I’m praying for them, I might hear the words in tongues come with strength, strong and firm, even directive. And then I switch to thinking about another person I want to pray for, and suddenly the tongues become soft and tender as I sense God’s gentleness toward them.  It likely has to do with the need in each person’s life at the time.

I personally have never received a direct interpretation from my tongues or someone else's. But I know people who speak in tongues and can give interpretation. I know one couple where the wife gets the message in tongues and the husband gets the interpretation.  Let us all pray that God will increase the gift of tongues and interpretation, as well as prophesy, for the benefit and edification of the Body for surely we have a great need to hear pure and powerful words from God that are consistent with His word in these days in which we live.  

I hope this has cleared up some issues or been helpful for you in some ways.  Most of all, enjoy that Yeshua is in your life, that you are in Him, and you're His.  I end with a word from Paul: 

“I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification.” (1 Cor. 14:5).  Amen.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


My Bible class and I have been studying Genesis to see what we can learn about God and our relationship with Him through the Patriarchs.  We’ve seen how God promised to bless those who bless Abraham and his descendents but that He also warns that He will “bind in a curse” any who curse Abraham or his descendents. We take this to mean the Jewish people and also those who become Abraham’s children through faith in Israel’s God through Messiah Yeshua.  

Pretty serious matter, cursing someone, or having anyone curse you, don’t you think?  Perhaps Abraham thought that God would take care of his enemies and he didn’t have to worry about them. He would focus on the blessings. They were sure to come about as God promised!  But God seems to be letting Abraham know there will be opposition. Not everyone is going to see these people as God does; not everyone will see them as blessings, but as cause for cursing them. There’s often a balance in the promises God gives.  He will protect us, but there will be cause for Him to protect us.  He will see to it that His people continue to exist, but there will be attempts to destroy them.

Often we look at the positive promises and quickly glance over the rest, the part that implies, “You’re going to really need to hold on to the promises of my goodness and protection and blessings.  You’re going to have to remember that you are Mine and I have set my face toward you to see you through to being the blessings I have ordained you to be. But be aware, there will be those who will not see you as the blessings I intend you to be.”  How are we to feel about those people? 

To reiterate, Abraham was essentially told by God, “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you” (Genesis 12:3)  This was meant to include all of Abraham’s descendents from then on. It would be easy to focus only on the blessings but what about those who would bring curses upon Abraham and his progeny?  How was Abraham to relate to them?  How are we to relate to them, as Abraham’s children, whether natural, spiritual, or both (as in Jewish believers)? To take it further and personalize the matter, how do you feel about people who have had a bad attitude about you because you represent God to them?  Or what about if they don’t connect their attitude toward you with God? What’s  your reaction to difficult people? Is your reactions to them, your feelings and intentions toward them what God’s are?

As I looked at Abraham this week, I began to wonder about how he must have felt when God told Him these promises of blessings and curses.   Suddenly, for the first time, I saw this as a great responsibility of God’s people to be, act, live, and speak as people that will not antagonize, or perhaps instigate, those who might be inclined, as a result of our behavior, to speak words of curses about or to us.  As I am seeing it now, this is wrapped up  a good bit with our position in Messiah.  He said, “Love you enemies” and He certainly exemplified that with His whole being.  Most of us were His enemies at one time before Yeshua reached out and brought us to Himself. Thanks be to God who loved us enough to rescue us. 

How we respond to those who act toward us as if they wanted to lay a curse on us, is not just about their behavior, but about ours. If we maintain an attitude, even if only within ourselves, of “God likes me but He sure doesn’t like you,” they are going to know it and it will alienate them further. If we are defensive and try to justify our positions or get “our” truth across, even if we think we’re speaking the  “truth in love” when we’re really judging them, then we are contributing to the atmosphere of antagonism and aiding the potential for curses to take place. 

What does it really mean for someone to curse someone? The word “curse” in this sense in Hebrew is to despise, to bring into contempt, to esteem lightly, to consider someone as insignificant or of small worth. It also means to execrate which is to loathe, detest or deplore. This can apply to the cursing of individuals or even a whole people groups.  Have you ever heard unkind jokes about certain ethnicities or people groups?  Were they being seen as insignificant or of little worth in the eyes of those finding humor in degrading them?  Would Jesus think it was funny? Doubt it?  So should we? The commandments are all about honoring and respecting one another.  Curses certainly don’t fit in there, do they?

I wonder, was the promise God made to Abram also designed to bring a concern for others who might speak with derision to or about them? Or was he, meaning Abraham and then us to just toss them off as the bad guys who came against him and his people and figure they were deserving of God’s wrath?  Knowing God as we do today, which exceeds what Abraham could have known of Him, we know that He sent His Son to die for His enemies, and Yeshua gave His life for those who cursed Him!   He forgave them and petitioned His Father to forgive them as well, saying, “They don’t know what they’re doing.”  No, they couldn’t have.  But neither generally do those who would curse God’s people know all the dynamics involved.  They don’t know that they are striking a pose of opposition against the Almighty, challenging Him who has put His name upon the people whom they are cursing.  Nor are they aware of the potential eternal consequences of hell, unless there is repentance. Most sadly, history is replete with instances of such hatred and curses. Are we, though, like Yeshua,  to forgive in the realization that they do not know what they’re doing, and pray for them for Abba to forgive them as Yeshua did?

Back to Abraham and the second time God confirms His covenant with him.  When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.”  In one sense, in view of the blessings/cursing proclamation I take those words to mean, “ Don’t act in ways that will cause others to not think well of you.” In today’s language, “Don’t be a jerk.”  Sorry, that didn’t sound very holy, did it?  You get my drift.

Yeshua’s half-brother Ya’acov (a.k.a. James) had to deal with his own interpretations of what were  blessings and curses of his Brother being crucified (see previous article on this blog). Likely in remembrance of Yehovah’s words to Abraham, he wrote to the believers, “And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (James 1:4). Obviously his statement has much further application than the issue we’re discussing, but does it not take endurance to respond with love and forgiveness to those who are triggering the opposite?

With regard to endurance, while this may exceed any call we could possibly experience in comparison, we are “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”  (Hebrews 12:2). If we are to follow the author of our faith, then there are times we must endure.  The joy comes when the forgiveness is accomplished and received by those to whom we offer it. And then we have the promise of being “seated with Him at His right hand in heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:20).  When we know those who were our enemies are no longer in the place of potentially being bound in a curse, when we see their freedom from curses, we rejoice!  But if we are to be like Yeshua, sometimes we must endure with a godly attitude toward those who really just tick us off, or who are acting in a way that is so ungodly that we are appalled at their behavior. 

I had opportunity for both this past week. My motivation for writing this article was a personal experience with the need for such endurance when a situation presented itself – one in which I was confronted with forgiving someone, or getting angry in self-justifying retaliation or slithering into self-pity. I vacillated between the three, quite honestly. But when I read these words in Genesis 12:3 for the umpteenth time, this time I saw what I’d never seen before. I had already forgiven him but now I realized what a responsibility it is to have the right attitude toward someone who really could be setting themselves up for what they surely wouldn’t want in their lives, and doing so in response to their perception of you. Or in this case, me. 

My concern for the person then became far greater than my self-absorption and how I was feeling. While I wouldn’t classify him as my enemy, I now had greater insight into what Yeshua meant by loving our enemies. It means to have more concern for their ultimate wellbeing than our own.  As it turns out, while my expectation was that the relationship was broken, I received a phone call from him of reconciliation. HalleluYah!  I do not believe, however, that if I hadn’t released him from my own judgment of him, if I had chosen bitterness rather than forgiveness, I would not have received that phone call. Even though he didn’t know, God knew and He rewarded my willingness to align myself with His higher standard and desire to protect this person from possibly finding himself in difficult circumstances of a curse and not making the connection as to why.

When God curses someone, that is a different Hebrew word than when someone curses another person.  It means to bind (as like a spell), to hem in with obstacles and to render powerless to resist. We’re talking about the Almighty binding this kind of curse here. Not something to take lightly by any means.  The example would be when God cursed the ground because of Adam and Eve’s sin. The soil was condemned; cursed, and never again has the earth been fruitful as it was in Eden where no sweat of man’s brow was required for the bounty that existed. The fertility of Eden was banned when God cursed the ground on account of them. 

A few more Hebrew words come into play here having to do with Who God is. First of all, we use the term God without realizing that our western cultural idea of God is a Greek concept.  In the Hebrew culture, Elohiym actually means Judge or One who judges – in the sense of having great power and authority. So whatever your concept of God is, it needs to be adjusted to realize that Elohiym is the Judge of all that takes place on the earth.  

When we call Him Lord, which in Hebrew is Yehovah (accent on the vah), the word means, “He exists,” or the  (Self)-existent One. It is He who is judge with great power and authority who exists.  He says “I AM” because He “am” Lord of everything that exists within the framework of His existence. One cannot, therefore, have ill feelings even about someone and not have God know about it and hold us  responsible for it.  The Bible tells us that we will be held accountable for every word we speak. Yeshua said, “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:36). That’s a sobering statement, isn’t it?

 One of the greatest declarations in Judaism begins,  Sh’ma, hear, listen and understand, O Israel, Yehovah our Elohiym is one.”   In English we are inclined to think this means there is only one God. And this is true, but not true of what this word one means in Hebrew.  In Hebrew the word is ehkad.  In this statement in Hebrew it means that Yehovah is in unity with Himself.  One example would be that He manifested Himself as a pillar of fire at night and a cloud by day, both working together to preserve His people, night and day. Different manifestations but in unity.  We can see the “oneness” of Yehovah’s manifestation as Father, Son and Holy Spirit in that same unity. They are not three persons as has erroneously been believed but God manifesting Himself in different ways, always in unity with Himself.

Have you noticed that when you are holding resentment against someone, to further address our present issue here, we are not “in unity” with ourselves.  We’re out of sorts, we’re at odds in our emotions. There is a sure clue that we’re out of touch with God’s ways. When we are at peace with God, we are at peace with ourselves which means we’re at peace with others. It may take some forgiving, but we’ve been giving the wonderful immeasurably valuable gifts of forgiveness and repentance to maintain His ways in our lives.  I’m often grateful for both.

When we speak of Elohiym as Judge and having all power and authority, it could be very frightening if we didn’t know He was also love – as in “God is love” (1 John 4:8 & 16).  An explanation of the Hebrew sense of love would be helpful here.  The word is Ahav. It is not an emotion but an action.  If you’ve read through 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter, you’ve seen that it’s about doing or not doing, and not about feelings. We are to “love” God and each other with our actions, not with our emotions.  Emotions might follow but love is about how we treat one another, not how we feel about one another.

Hebrew is about actions, not feelings.  The words are about concrete ideas. The Hebrew culture sees   differently than we do about many things, this being one of them – and a significant issue it is.  If we think love is dependent upon feelings, then so would forgiveness be about feelings. Not so from Yehovah’s perspective, nor from Israel’s as He set the standard for the way they saw all of life when the followed Him. Forgiveness, like love, is a choice of how to relate to someone, and is not dependent upon our emotions toward them. For this reason, we forgive not because we feel like it but because Yeshua died to forgive us all.

Hebrew is much more concerned with function, with actions, with the way things happen, while Greek thought is much more concerned with the way things appear, or look.  For example, a pencil would be described by a Greek by what it looks like: yellow, eraser on one end and a pointed lead on the other, while a Hebrew would be more inclined to say, It writes words or draws pictures. 

The original Hebrew were word pictures and combinations of word pictures. The Hebrew word for father was one of an ox and a tent. Ox represent strength and the tent or a house. Put them together and they represent “the strength of the house.” The father is the one who provides the strength to the home.  He is the provider and protector. You can understand from this concept how fathers were greatly respected in Hebrew culture. Abraham is still considered the father of Judaism and even to the Christians he is the father of faith.  The strength of his faith remains the foundation of the “house” of God’s people.

The opposite of curse, of course, is to bless. Bless too is an action word. It’s not just to say nice things about someone so they’ll be happy and feel good. Bless in Hebrew is barak, which means to kneel down and present a gift in respect or honor to another.  When the Bible says that the Lord “gave gifts to His church,” He bestowed great honor upon us, even respect that we would use the gifts wisely and under His guidance.  To imagine God kneeling before us seems irreverent, but when we consider how Yeshua humbled Himself to become a man, a human being, let alone die, we see the blessings of God in His gift of Yeshua to us.

A part of the blessings of God is to walk in the light as He is the light. That Yeshua is the reflection of the light of His father, the outraying just as the rays of the sun show us the sun we cannot look at,  the word for shine is or, literally to shine.  This word equates with bringing about order because light illuminates or reveals what has been in the dark.  We pray for God to shine His truth into the hearts of those do not understand His ways of love and forgiveness.  We pray they will come to understand to enter into His  graciousness, which is reflected in how His people are to one another just as God intended us to be – in expression of His gracious character.

The word for Gracious will give us another word picture.  The word for gracious is Hannan. The name Hannah comes from this word and also means gracious.  As Abraham’s tents would have been set up in a circle, as all wanderers would, it was considered a place of beauty.  Not just in appearance but in action. It would be a place where love, friendship, community and sustenance existed. The word gracious is a verb, a word of action, a way to be, and to act with one another. Even strangers would find a gracious welcome among other tent dwellers. We see it personified when Eliezer went to cousin Laban to find a wife for Isaac. While admittedly there were tensions amid Abraham’s tents with Sarah and Hagar, the concept of gracious living was this one.

Such a life would be one of peace, of shalom. This word has a root word of shalam, which means to restore in the sense of replacing or providing what is needed in order to make someone or something whole and complete. When used as a noun, shalom is used for one who has or has been provided with whatever is needed to be whole and complete. 

When we forgive someone we restore them to the place of having nothing against them, of being free from any curses that might have come to them.  We release them from any expectations which they have not fulfilled or standards they have violated. Do they always deserve it, or will they always receive it?  It is likely that in many instances, we will not have the opportunity to tell them we forgive them. But in our own eyes and heart, we are seeking to be right with God, and to be His instruments of forgiveness, extending His forgiveness to those in need.

When we are cursed, rejected, even despised, it is the way of God to forgive, and it is the grace and power of God that enables us to do so.   The light of the Lord shining through us will put things in order which will not be in order without His light. We pray that things will fall into the order of Yehovah’s kingdom for them, as we look to the Father in all His strength to bring them into His house.  In chosing to do so, we find that we are in unity with God and with ourselves as well as with others. Why would anyone want less than that?