Sunday, October 12, 2014


"Those who hope in the Lord will...soar on wings like eagles" (Is.40:31). 

This is a prophetic word I received from the Lord. It has been judged as from the Lord from several seasoned believers, but as always, judge it for yourselves. May it bring rest to your soul and a view from on high.  LL

The church is mine. All mine. My idea, My expression in the earth, My restoration plan for all humanity.   Men have since the beginning almost always had an idea of what would be best and how to express what they thought the church should be, beginning with changing the whole foundational premise of it being a spiritual entity into one of the earth. 

If you take out that which defines what humans have done to try and advance the cause of My body of people, what have you left? Is it the book of Acts?  Is it what is found in the Epistles?  How many words and idea, precepts and actions, requirements and expectations, are there that are supposedly definitive of My church that have nothing to do with Me or My biblically defined Kingdom?

You ask what needs to be restored before she is the bride for which Yeshua returns. You wonder what needs restoring.  Does that mean adding or subtracting; putting in or taking out?   There is a transition that will, and that must take place that is both and neither.  It is not what must take place in the doing or saying but in the very fiber of being of each and every member of My body.  It is to become so one with Me that your every impulse surges with life from above and is so fully God’s that it isn’t even understandable without the Spirit of God. 

The change that must and will take place is not a replacement of worldliness with godliness but such a substantive[1] realignment with the heart and purposes of God that today’s present church vocabulary cannot adequately express it, much less define or envision it. 

It will not be intellectual, nor accomplished by the best of intents of men but will be a matter of my grace entirely and completely; a transforming of what is for what will be – the material to the spiritual, that which man is incapable of accomplishing. Only I can do it. Only I can bring it to pass. The intentions and energies of man cannot. I will have a people wholly given over to God, through whom only I can and through whom I will bring the Kingdom of God to full reality.

Note: A short while later the Lord said to me – “The only thing you can do is to fill yourself with the Word of God and let it do the transforming.”  

Lonnie Lane
August 14, 2014 

[1] Substantive:  belonging to the real nature or essential part of a thing; essential; real or actual.


  1. I am so honored to have found you by way of Sid Roth. Your blog you wrote about the Church not being found in the New Testament, blew me away! My spirit bares witness to what was written. Thank you so much!!!! I believe that I found you for such a time as this! This prophecy is similar to what the Lord has been speaking to me over the last few years! I hope to connect with you! Many blessings!!

  2. If you are led to connect with me please feel free to email me at God Bless You!!!!

  3. I belong to Aglow International and we are listening and learning to the teachings of Graham Cooke. We are learning to move away from merely the function of serving God, but to relationship with Him. It is as we fully submit to Him with open hearts that He can do the work of transforming us for His use and His good purposes.
