Saturday, August 10, 2013


This is Part 2 of the questions someone emailed to me. I do not know this person but he presented an opportunity to share some things which will hopefully prove helpful to some of you reading this.

The Question. When someone receives the blessing (of) speaking in tongues what is the meaning? I already opened my heart and (I’m) waiting for the Lord to give me the spirit.  A Prophet and receiv(ing the) Holy Spirit - are they the same or not?  

My Answer.  No, they are not the same. Everyone who is born again will receive a measure of the Spirit of God.  There is a baptism of the Spirit that generally comes to a person after they are born again, though it can happen all at once. Speaking in tongues is generally the sign of one who has been baptized in the Spirit. It is through the power of the indwelling Spirit that one can prophesy.  But not everyone who receives the Spirit of God will or can prophesy. On the other hand, anyone with the Spirit of God can prophesy on occasion – and should!  Tongues are for every Spirit filled believer in Yeshua and so should being able to prophesy.  Someone may speak a word to another person as an encouragement or pray something that they are declaring will come to pass and be prophesying and not even realize it.  If we are sensitive to the Spirit of God and practice being attentive to Him and listen for Him to speak to us, then we can be equipped to speak a word prophetically. I must say, though, that unless we are in a church environment that encourages the prophetic, we do not have an opportunity to develop or practice the gift.  That’s why small groups or home groups are such fertile ground for developing spiritual gifts.

 However, not everyone who speaks a prophetic word is a prophet.   A prophet, or someone who can prophesy on a regular basis, comes from the Spirit manifesting one of the spiritual gifts in that person's life in the same way that God gives pastor, teachers, evangelists and apostles.  The Holy Spirit gives all those spiritual gifts, including prophesy, for the benefit of the congregation or someone else, never just for the benefit of the person who does the prophesying, although the one giving the prophetic word may be blessed in being able to bless someone else with the word. Paul said we should all desire the better gifts which would include prophesy.  But having the gift is not for the prophet's benefit but for other people.  Nor do we receive an ability to prophesy because we have earned it somehow; that's why they are called "gifts" because they are “freely given" by the Spirit. And we cannot seek to prophesy so that it will make us feel closer to God or be the measure of His acceptance of us.  It isn't so we can feel accepted or a bit more special to Him.  None of that is valid. We do not seek to prophesy for our own advantage. Prophesy is almost never about “us” but about others. True prophesy is birthed out of compassion for people.  Compassion was Yeshua's motivating impulse for all He did and said.  

BTW, There are 50 verses using “compassion,” in the Bible, 27 of them in the Old Testament, and 23 of them in the New Testament, if you would like to do a word study for some understanding of God’s compassion.  Studying God’s Word isn’t just about information, it’s impartation that brings transformation to our lives. Studying compassion in the Bible will make you more compassionate. The Holy Spirit will work it in you as you take the Word seriously.

I would stress to you that until you get the very basic foundational issues of your relationship with God, and His love for you, etc., cleared up in your mind, you are not likely to be prophesying the mind of God to anyone.  It could be muddied. Another example: A woman came to our women’s bible study who obviously had a prophetic gift. She could pick things up in the Spirit easily. But when she gave the words, she couched them in her own discouraged and negative mindset as she had been wounded spiritually and it came through when she spoke the words.  When it was pointed out to her gently and lovingly, she was too defensive to receive it. She was the prophetic one and so what she said was right, as far as she was concerned.  Prophesy should edify, exhort and encourage – the Three E’s.  As said above, we will speak out of our own character.  

There are many self appointed prophets speaking words that are supposedly words from God today which are in grave error and can mislead people. When they are flattering or draw you to the prophet rather than to God, or if they make you fearful or discouraged, I would be wary of them.  Even when God convicts us of sin, He does it lovingly with the sense of great hope of being set free. He is never condemning; neither should any prophet be. I am all for hearing from God prophetically, but the Bible is very clear that false prophets who give false prophesies are dangerous and God warns against them.  Only the truth will set us (or keep us) free!

Tips on Giving Prophetic words. We can speak what we believe may be prophetic words from God without all the fancy and high sounding "Thus saith the Lord...." kind of words.  You can more safely (and humbly) say, "I'm hearing (or seeing, or sensing) that God might be saying......” and share what’s on your heart.  If it’s to a group, you can add if you feel so inclined and the situation warrants it, “I’m submitting this to you to judge the word” as the New Testament tells us, “
Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge” (1 Cor. 14:29). Admittedly that’s difficult in the way our church services are set up. That works much more easily in smaller groups. But a person who gives a prophetic word should always be humble enough to be open to the discerning of the word by others as to whether it rings as truly from God or not.  If we are in a loving community of believers, there should be no shame in learning what’s of God and what isn’t. We’re all learning together.  I gave a word recently that I after I gave it, wasn’t sure about myself. I judged my own word and then told everyone just that.  Later a spiritually mature person told me they felt it was from the Lord. It was good to get that confirmation. 

If it’s a personal word – and many words we call prophesy are really or include “words of knowledge” (awareness of something going on in the person’s life) rather than predictive prophesies –  leave it to the person whether they receive it or not. That’s between them and God. It’s never for the prophet to interpret the word for the person they’re giving the word to, or to press them to receive it.  It may make no sense to the prophet but can be personally meaningful to the person receiving the word.  If it's a true word for the person, they will get a witness in their own spirit's that it's true.  If not, you only shared what came to you.  You didn’t risk being called a false prophet. 

If the word was truly from God, it doesn't need all the attempts to make it sound like it really is. The Spirit of God will make it real to the person.  That way, we have avoided any pride in being "a prophet" but we have delivered the word with humility before God and the other person(s) and left it to the Lord to make it real or not to the hearers. 

While every believer is capable of prophesying on some level, not everyone is a prophet. God will occasionally give prophetic words to his people to meet a need of the moment, or a word of encouragement, but that does not mean they are now a prophet.  Someone might be able to function prophetically as they speak a word of encouragement or address an issue prophetically, by giving a word of insight or a Scripture verse that cuts right through to resolve an issue.  But the “office” of a prophet is an entirely different matter. They carry a responsibility and authority that is far greater.  Thanks be to God, there are prophetic people today who walk in great power and revelation and yet, are still quite humble before the Lord. Their words are usually quite significant and rock solid.  There are levels of that kind of prophetic authority. Some will speak to people about their lives, others to things concerning church congregational issues, while others are given insight into political issues, on local, city, state or national issues or even international issues. They have the authority of God to speak things into being at those levels. It is best not to enter into speaking prophetic things in arenas that you don’t know for sure that God has trained you and given you authority in.  A army private or even a second lieutenant should never take the authority or responsibility of a general.  For more on this, see John Paul Jackson’s book, Needless Casualties of War.   

Receiving a word of prophesy.  It’s hard to remember what is said to you, so it’s a good thing the words come from God; He will remember. It’s helpful to take notes or record it on your cell phone if you’re able. You should have a yea and amen in your spirit when you receive a word from God.  Usually the word should confirm something that is already on your heart or something that rings familiar or true to you.  It may even bring peace to something that has troubled you for a long time. The sister of a friend of mine had died, much to his distress. He didn’t know if she was in heaven or not. He was watching a Sid Roth TV show ( www.ItsSupernatural ) one night, stretched out on the couch,.  The guest on the show had a word for someone watching. He said, “I see you lying on a couch with your feet up and you are troubled because you do not know if your sister is in heaven or not. God wants you to know that she is. Be at peace.”  Now that’s the kind of word that’s a joy to receive.

Be careful, however, not to be woo'ed by the showmanship of some prophets who appear as if they are a bit more special than everyone else because they can prophesy.  I attended a meeting where a prophet was ministering to people, giving them words as he walked around the audience. He had a microphone on so we could hear all the words.  But for some reason, he was asking, “Do you receive the prophet?” as if he was an Old Testament prophet and “receiving” him would be equal to receiving the word of God. (This was the case in ancient Israel when God had only one or a few prophets at a time who by the Spirit spoke only the pure words of God.).  What could the people he had standing up by  their seats say but yes. I was glad when he didn’t come to me for if he had asked me that question, I would have had to say (quietly to him, not in the microphone, I would think), “I know nothing about your life or character. I will judge the word to see if I think it’s of God but accepting you is not an issue.”  That’s an extreme case, but crazy things are out there today.  Be discerning!

If there's pride and any kind of exalting themselves in the person giving the word, I would discount what you’re hearing from them.  The gift of prophesy is subject to the prophet (1 Cor. 14:32).  That means we speak out of our own character.  Take every prophecy that you hear to the Lord if it seemed meaningful to you and ask Him to confirm it to you. Actually, most prophesies should confirm what you already sense in your spirit.  Beware of flattery. As an example, I was asked to speak at a conference where words were being given that this one was going to have a great ministry that would be known, and that one was going to be famous; it went on and on. There was much joyful shouting about all that but a word about being quiet and reverent in His presence in order to know truth from error in these days we live in fell flat.  Was their preference for “ear tickling?”  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires” (2 Timothy 4:3). I fear some were being set up for great disappointments or worse, attempts to make the so-called prophetic words come to pass if it wasn’t from God.  

Speaking in Tongues.  While I am now addressing the issue of Tongues, you will see how it also is intertwined here and there with prophesy.

Once we receive the gift of Tongues, and every believer can, we can speak in tongues at will, just as we speak in English. We must open our mouths and put voice to the words. It's quite supernatural and yet is the most natural thing to speak in tongues. Paul said that he spoke in tongues more than anyone else around him. Considering his revelation, it must be a good thing.  Speaking in tongues edifies or strengthens us spiritually, to be more sensitive to the Spirit. For someone who desires to prophesy, speaking in tongues is very important.  It builds up your spirit.  

God always speaks when he is about to do something, beginning with "Let there be light!"  He speaks through us all the time, even when we don't realize it, to encourage or affirm, or lovingly advise others.  He may use us as we pray in tongues prophetically to declare something that He wants to do, as if we’re calling it into reality, pulling it down out of heaven, so to speak, to manifest on the earth. This would be another form of prophesy, which is prophetic prayer.  We can declare things into people’s lives at the leading of the Spirit.  And when we are speaking in tongues, it allows God to "speak" things into our lives, or the lives of others when we pray in tongues for them, especially when it is accompanied by an interpretation. 

We are often speaking what is beyond what we understand at the time. So unless God gives us the interpretation or the sense of what we’re speaking, we may not know what God is doing through the prayer. That is more the case than not. But even so, our spirits are strengthened by the speaking in tongues.  I enjoy singing in tongues and even the lovely melodies are sometimes what seem Spirit-led as I don’t think I would have come up with them on my own.  Other times it seems to be more of a chant when singing in tongues.

Often speaking in tongues will bring us new insight into something.  God may give us insight or even the sense of the person we’re praying for even when not with them. We can be praying privately for others in tongues.  I have prayed for people in the Spirit, that is in tongues, and for one person that I have my thoughts on as I’m praying for them, I might hear the words in tongues come with strength, strong and firm, even directive. And then I switch to thinking about another person I want to pray for, and suddenly the tongues become soft and tender as I sense God’s gentleness toward them.  It likely has to do with the need in each person’s life at the time.

I personally have never received a direct interpretation from my tongues or someone else's. But I know people who speak in tongues and can give interpretation. I know one couple where the wife gets the message in tongues and the husband gets the interpretation.  Let us all pray that God will increase the gift of tongues and interpretation, as well as prophesy, for the benefit and edification of the Body for surely we have a great need to hear pure and powerful words from God that are consistent with His word in these days in which we live.  

I hope this has cleared up some issues or been helpful for you in some ways.  Most of all, enjoy that Yeshua is in your life, that you are in Him, and you're His.  I end with a word from Paul: 

“I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification.” (1 Cor. 14:5).  Amen.

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