Stars cause us to look upward if we are to see them. We must look away from what occupies our attention to see them, if even for a moment. The stars can remind us that the glory of God in the heavens has come to earth on our behalf and brought the light of God’s truth and love to us, not just generally but in our own specific and personal situations, which can sometimes seem quite dark, can’t they?
We only see the stars at night, but the stars are out there
in the skies during the day as well. We see the stars most clearly when the sky is
the darkest. For many, the dark times in our lives cause us to look up to seek
the Lord in our time of need. The darker
our situations, the more we are aware that we need Him. The darker the sky, the
more visible the stars are. Isaiah tells us there will come a time of deep spiritual
darkness upon the earth, but that is not the whole story. Listen to what
happens: “For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the LORD will rise upon you And His
glory will appear upon you” (Isaiah
60:2). “His glory,” of course, is Yeshua so this verse applies to those
of us who are His. Since it was said to Israel in particular, it means that
Israel will become the light in the world in a time of great darkness, as will
everyone who believes in Israel’s God and Messiah!!
The darker situations may be, the more we can
shine with the light of God because: 1) He is within us so
His truth is imputed to us, 2)
we are able to come into His presence so that His light is imparted to us, and 3) His love
has embraced us so that the sweet
aroma of His presence is still with us, like someone’s perfume or shaving
lotion that stays with us after a hug. We can say with Paul, “Thanks be to God,
who always leads us in triumph in Messiah, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place” (2 Cor. 2:14).
Practically speaking then, when we have His truth, we are not deceived or controlled or intimidated by what is not true. Nor do we believe the lies the enemy who would tell us that our trust must not be in God alone. When we know the Lord's perfect love, it will cast out all fear because when we have confidence in His love for us, we can be confident that He will see us through, whatever the challenge, victoriously. And as for His imparted light, well, His words apply here: “I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in the
dark but will live his life in the light of life” (John 8:12).
So go ahead and twinkle. Be someone’s star of
hope and salvation, lead people to righteousness, and guide them in the way to Him, just as the star led the magi
to Yeshua many years ago. In Daniel’s words, so to speak, doing so is a piece
of forever.
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