Sunday, December 9, 2012

You are (a part of) the Light of the World

This word came to me on the first day of Hanukkah, though I didn't get that connection until later. I believe the message has meaning in its simplicity. I received more emails and responses from this word than I have from most others. I hope you find it as meaningful as others have. 

I have been dividing Light from darkness from the beginning. I have continued to do so and will continue until darkness is no more. Do not fear the darkness, neither be intimidated by it.  Just stay in the Light. I AM the Light of the world. My word is Light and I have put My Light, even Myself, within you.  Do not look to find strength in yourself, or goodness or love or wisdom within yourself apart from Me. I AM your strength, your goodness, your wisdom and your love. Trust in Me to be all you need, even from within you. I AM that close to you.

Every time you make a decision to obey My Word, every time you chose to follow My Spirit, you too are dividing the light from the darkness. And each time you do, you are participating in establishing the Kingdom of God in the earth.  Do not think your life is insignificant. You are a part of the vast redemptive plan of God. Do not think that your daily choices do not make any difference. “He who is not with Me is against Me” and when you choose to walk with Me, you make the world around you brighter and cause the darkness to diminish. If you were to see in the spirit realm you would see the reality of this. 

I tell you, child, (to each one of you), you were born for such a time as this to be a part of the great Light of God being established at this time.  

So know that every choice you make, even what seems small or insignificant to you, when it is of My Light and not the darkness, when it is because you love Me more than what is vying for your attention or affection, you are declaring Yeshua ha or ha olam, Yeshua IS the Light of the world! And in doing so, even your smallest decision carries an eternal weight of glory. 

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