Thursday, October 16, 2014


After every storm there's always rainbow.
Before I go any further, I want to say that despite whatever storms we may go through, even if we don't see it visually, God has promised us a rainbow. Sometimes they are above the clouds, like this one, so that we have to see it with our spiritual eyes, but it's always there.  

Having prefaced this article with that thought, it is still with some reluctance that I write to tell you of a dream I had. This is not the kind of things I'm prone to think up or be preoccupied with. I have tried not to share it, but at this point, even if there’s no validity to the dream I’m about to tell you, I feel it would be irresponsible not to - just in case.  I apologize for this being so long (I thought of making it two articles but wanted to be sure both parts are read). The second part of the article is very real. And that part is, I believe, indeed a warning even if it doesn’t apply to everyone. 

Part 1:  Sometime in 2010 I had the dream. I almost never remember my dreams but this one has stayed with me repeatedly.   It troubled me when I had it and I had the sense that it was not for me personally but was possibly a warning for others to be made aware of as well, if indeed it proves to come about as I had dreamed.  I shared it with a few wise and godly men who agreed it might be a warning from God.  One of them, knowing I’m a writer, suggested I write a book, somewhat like Joel Rosenberg writes, a kind of prophetic fiction (Rosenberg  writes  his fiction books and then they tend to come true). But I don’t write fiction and it would take a tremendous amount of research to write such a book.  So I did nothing with it till now.

For about the last two months the dream seems to be on my mind more often.  It kept going through my mind to put it on my blog. Still I have been reluctant to do so –  after all, it was just a dream, and, frankly, I didn’t really want to add to the cacophony of alarmist suppositions out there, not that there aren’t some real issues gnawing at our attention. This week there have been initial cases of Ebola now in the United States.  It seems to be time to share the dream. I will also share some of what I seemed to be given to understand as the dream unfolded though  I do not know what the first part (the next paragraph) represented except that somehow we survived something very threatening.     

As the dream began, I was in a room with two other women who were terrified of what was taking place outside the room. Somehow it was surrounded by, or in the midst of a great storm, perhaps a social storm, a war or police action. The room was being blown as if in a hurricane,  and I could see things going past the windows as we hurled along though we were pretty shut in.  I was trying to keep their focus on the Lord, though it was hard for all of us. Somehow we made it through and were surprised to have survived it, but things were different after it than before. 

What happened next took place in the basement of the Seminary which I attended which told me that it was somehow connected with spiritual issues and/or with the cooperation of the organized church somehow. It was at night. I was trying to get to my room on an upper level where I “dwelt.” I expected the classrooms to be empty at night, but I found there were classes going on, as if it was a regular seminary or college taking place. I knew that the seminary had rented the space to these people to have a whole other school on the same premises so both occupied it during one full day.

Interpretation:  That this took place in the basement was that it was hidden or of a lower spiritual nature.  I sensed both. My seminary did have apartments on the upper level. This told me I was attempting to ‘dwell’ in a higher place (spiritually) than all that was going on, as in “dwelling  in the Lord.”  That it took place at night indicates spiritual darkness. The seminary, which is, of course, a graduate school for training pastors, seemed to be unaware that these people had a whole other school of thought than what is biblical.  Nor were the seminarians who were supposedly Christians at all discerning of the spiritual condition of these other people so as to be wise enough or spiritually strong enough to disassociate from them. 

The people there were all dark, as in almost black, (this was not racial but spiritual) and had no expressions on their faces, as if they had no spiritual life in them, though they were all alive physically. One young man, big and somewhat unappealing looked out at me from his classroom (I was not in the classroom but in the hallway) with no expression on his face. He appeared to be entirely dull of countenance. These people didn’t seem to have any light of the Lord or otherwise in them, though they were not evil.

I  then understood this was really not a school but they were involved with the making of a vaccine that was supposed to protect everyone from a lethal flu or virus, but somehow I knew the epidemic wasn't real. It was a way of controlling the population. 

At this point I do not remember the dream exactly but what has stayed with me is that I was made aware that this was setting the stage for future mandatory “health” measures, specifically a vaccine that would be given to the entire population of America for the “well-being” of all against some perceived (engineered or contrived) threat. When you took the vaccine you would be given a mark on your hand or wrist. Those who refused the vaccine would be considered a threat to the well being of the society and would, among other things, not be permitted in stores or public places as they would be potential contaminators of the disease. My sense was that those without the mark would suffer being treated as traitors to society and rendered as outcasts. 

Interpretation:  It appears those without indication of having had the vaccine would not be permitted to “buy or sell.”  (See Revelation 13:17). 

I then came to understand that because of side effects from the vaccine which apparently affected everyone quite negatively, drugs would be administered to the population en masse in order that people could continue to function after the vaccines did their damage. Only they would not be functioning normally and would be controlled by the drugs which would make them dependent on the drugs and would have the effect of changing personalities, and subduing most otherwise active people. So then we would have an entirely drug dependent and controlled national population.  It reminds one of “Big Brother” [i] watching over the people.   

Need I say that this should be avoided at all costs, should it ever actually happen, by those of us who are the Lord's as it is all a sign of the anti-Christ in his attempt to control the world.  We are of those about whom the bible says will we not succumb to those controls because they are viewed as worship of the anti-Christ.  We can see from the meaning of pharmakeia that it would be a form of false religion which is relying on and putting your trust in someone or something other than God Himself to provide a (false) sense of peace, joy or well-being.  Those who will "worship the beast" (the anti-Christ and/or his ways) are ",...all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world....This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people"  (Revelation 13:8, 10b). It would be a time to remember that there is always a rainbow after a storm, in this case, an eternal rainbow! 

Part 2:  As I have pondered this dream before the Lord, I keep asking is there really a warning in this dream?  I have seen other things that could possibly have to do with the dream. We are being programmed through the media to thinking we are a disease-infested society for which only drugs are the answer. Many of life’s normal problems are being considered as diseases  – now even heartburn is a disease. Drugs are the only cure, which don’t really cure, they manage the disease, meaning that continuing to take the drug is often built in.  I have observed that even on family-type channels, at times every third or so commercial is for drugs. Even with the sometimes life threatening contra-indications mentioned, people are so used to taking potentially lethal drugs that the warnings mean little. We are being brainwashed into thinking that drugs are the way to health, peace, joy and well-being, all of which Yeshua promised us, by the way. 

There are precedents of vaccines causing serious mental problems as well as physical.  Our own army has used vaccines on our troops that have led to serious mental issues including suicides. See Endnote [ii] below for more on this.  

Are you aware of Iatrogenic diseases? This means physician or medically induced consequences to treatment or advice.  See Endnote [iii] for more in-depth info but here are some specifics:   

Deaths from accidental poisoning by drugs and other medicines climbed from 851 to nearly 2,100. Of those, outpatient deaths increased from under 200 to just under 1,500. This was in 1993. Since, it has continued to increased.   

CNN reported that:  Drug Reactions Kill an Estimated 100,000 a Year. 

Adverse reactions to prescription and over-the-counter medicines kill more than 100,000 Americans and seriously injure an additional 2.1 million each year, researchers say.
Such reactions -- which do not include prescribing errors or drug abuse -- rank at least sixth among causes of death in the United States, behind heart disease, cancer, lung disease, strokes and accidents, according to a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The report was based on an analysis of existing studies.  "Serious adverse drug reactions are frequent ... more so than generally recognized," the researchers said.

Drug overdose was the leading cause of injury death in 2011. Among people 25 to 64 years old, drug overdose caused more deaths than motor vehicle traffic crashes.

Drug overdose death rates have been rising steadily since 1992 with a 118% increase from 1999 to 2011 alone.

In 2011, drug misuse and abuse caused about 2.5 million Emergency Department (ED) visits. Of these, more than 1.4 million ED visits were related to pharmaceuticals (medicines).

  Between 2004 and 2005, an estimated 71,000 children (18 or younger) were seen in EDs each year because of medication overdose (excluding self-harm, abuse and recreational drug use).

  Among children under age 6, pharmaceuticals account for about 40% of all exposures reported to poison centers.

  In 2011, 33,071 (80%) of the 41,340 drug overdose deaths in the United States were unintentional,

Are we programmed to accept drugs as a way of life, as a means of solutions to problems, physical, mental and otherwise?   It would appear that drugs are even a form of entertainment among certain groups of people.  It may be that the dream is a warning of the drug use which is clearly a national threat. Even if some Big Brother or social intent is not deliberately programming us to control us, the devil is. 

To go back to my often mentioned belief that God will have a people who are wholly dependent upon Him only for whom Yeshua will return, keep in mind that drugs and medicine are pharmaceuticals, in Greek  pharmakeĆ­a .  The word appears in the Bible in numerous places. According to Strong’s Bible Concordance, the word means, “to administer drugs… It is drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, and often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.”  (See Exodus 7:11 & 22; 8:18; Isaiah 47:9; Galatians 5:20; and Rev. 18:23.)

Yes, there are times when medicines are helpful to us, but we must use them with discernment, wisdom and only when necessary, if at all. One report stated that doctors have written enough pain medications in one year for every house in America to have a bottle of prescription pain meds. Are we really in that much pain?  People have always endured pain. I wonder, are we really missing some endurance in our character that we dive for the pills the minute there’s the hint of a headache.  I realize there are some with significant ongoing pain and thank God there is relief. But the statistics above tell us there’s more going on than just avoiding endurable pain. 

I’ll sneak in a personal testimony here. I recently fell and broke my hip – oh my, was that ever painful beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.   When I first arrived in the hospital – in a great deal of pain, mind you, they gave me morphine – oh, gosh, I hated it. It may have taken an edge off but wow, did I hate the feeling that came with it. I refused to take it after that. I asked for an Ibuprofen and endured the pain, with God’s help. They couldn’t believe I’d make that choice.

After the surgery they gave me Oxycontin for the post-op pain which I can tell you was considerable. Aside from burns, bone pain is the worst kind of pain, I’m told. I believe it. I took what they gave me, still groggy from anesthesia. That was just as bad. I can’t believe people take these things for fun. I can see why the bible calls them pharmakeia.  They are kind of mind altering and do interfere with one’s consciousness.  An old Yiddish expression my mother often said comes to mind: Nisht fah mere:  Not for me!  I confess that I did rely on a good number of Ibuprofens, but not the hard stuff. I apparently was a minority of one in the rehab where I lived for a month as I recuperated. Drugs were a way of life there.  

I tell you this only to say that what I’m telling you about the drugs isn’t a piece of idealistic advice I’m giving without having suffered somewhat without them. But I can tell you that God will enable us to get through most of whatever we need to without them. [There are exceptions and I am not saying by any means to stop your meds without wise medical counsel where necessary. Diabetics and those with blood pressure and other serious issues, for instance, should not just stop taking their meds. You are not who I'm speaking to.]  

Even so, should we not rather put our dependence upon our God who is “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8) who told Israel “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you(Exodus 15:26). 

Are we not Yeshua’s whom “God anointed…with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38)?  There we have the Lord’s healing in the Tenach and in the Brit Hadashah (the OT and the NT). I could quote so many more examples of God’s healing His people. I’m sure you could too.

I find it interesting that we call ourselves “Believers”  - well then, is it not time that we actually believe what we believe?!   Yeshua left His followers with these words:  And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:17, 18).

We can pray for one another to be healed!  Let’s begin to pray that God will anoint and empower His people so that we can be fully dependent upon Him and no longer subscribe to the devil’s alternative to God’s healing power. I have the feeling God will be more than happy to meet us there.  Amen? 

[i] Big Brother is a fictional character in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is the enigmatic dictator of a totalitarian state wherein the ruling Party wields total power for its own sake over the inhabitants.

[iii] For information on iatrogenic diseases go to:  Google: Iatrogenic Disease for additional information. 


  1. I cannot comment on the dream directly, but the incites from this article ring very true with me. I am from the UK, so I am not commenting on the US directly. Two years ago, following redundancy, I attended a college for blind people, both young and older. It was probably the darkest and most difficult experience of my entire 60-odd-year-old life, but that's another story. What struck me forcibly was how everyone, especially the young, were medicalised. Some of the conditions were undoubtedly legitimate: epilepsy, brain injury, chronic physical things; other conditions, however, included depression and other psychological states. And in all this, there was no suggestion of reliance on God for healing and restoration. The college had many faults, in my opinion, but one of them was not withholding medication!

    I must say that I did not come out of it with flying colours. I took medication for severe toothache and for stomach upsets more than in many years; but I always asked the Lord first for healing and restoration.

    In the country at large, many of our young people are very medicalised - maybe the majority. This is a most disturbing trend.

  2. I think that you hit the nail right on the head. I for one, having had many prophetic dreams, [including one with you] that all came to pass, I believe God choses to speak and to use through these dreams, revelation, because the Holy Spirit will quicken us to "Discern" what the Lord wants to get across. When we come up upon a situation in life, the Lord will bring our minds back to very specific dreams so that we don't get caught up with the things of the world that may shift the focus, off of what He has shown us ahead of time.

    On Friday evening I was watching a program with Rabbi Shnieder [Discovering the Jewish Jesus] the lesson was about Enoch. But, however he started stressing on the importance of NOT disregarding dreams, God had given us, to write then down. To disregard would be offensive and a sin to the Lord. [paraphrased]

    I think God is increasing revelation of how we are to walk in our.. Trust and Dependency on Him, in the days to come. Sharing what He has reveled does not bring about fear, for He has not given us a spirit of fear, but instead "Reassurance" that in spite of . .. . He has us in the Palm of His Hands!

    Thanks for sharing, and let me just say, I appreciate your obedience to our Lord!

    In His Service
