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Agreeing with God is the way to success |
This certainly is an historic time for Israel and (consequently) for the world. Does that sound like an outrageous statement? When God tells us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," it isn't just about Jerusalem. He goes on to say, "May they prosper who love you," meaning those who love Jerusalem. This prosperity isn't a word to only mean financially, but don't we need prosperity in every area of our lives. Those of us who are Yeshua's want spiritual prosperity in every way God has made available to us, don't we? It may sound like an outrageous statement to say that our love for Israel, of which Jerusalem is the capital, is the plumb line for whether we are spiritually prosperous or not, but here are the facts, folks.
Jerusalem is called "the city of God." Zion is another name for Jerusalem. Psalm 87:2,3 says, "The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwelling places of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God. Selah." Selah means, stop and give this some insightful thought.
Scripture tells us that at some point the nations of the world will come against Israel -- but God will fight for her to keep all His promises to her for shalom, which does not mean just peace but wellbeing and - here's that word again, prosperity. The United Nations is certainly representative of the "nations of the world," is it not? And the UN as that representative has proven to be anti-Israel. Why? Why would such a tiny nation as Israel, no bigger than the state of New Jersey, seem to warrant such animosity from the rest of the nations? It doesn't make sense. At least in the natural. But if we look at it as Israel being God's representation in the world that He will one day reclaim the whole earth as His own, we can understand why the Adversary of God is so fearful of Israel's existence. In Hebrew the word for adversary is satan (which rhymes with baton). It's a title - a statement of condition, in this case, one who is against God; it not a proper name.
Israel is the only nation in the UN assembly that has no right of vote. Picture a two sided list: One side is all the nations in the world with a vote in the UN, the other side, the not-allowed-to vote
side, has only one - Israel. Why? Is it a picture of the world against God? Not that Israel is always godly; it's not, but God's promises remain and will be fulfilled. Our part is to agree with Him so we're included on the God side of the prophetic list.
Recently Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an historic message to the UN Assembly. He spoke as if he were the leader as perhaps King David would have spoken if he were leader of Israel at this time. He spoke Biblically. He spoke God's word and God's truth for this time - and for all time. Below is a transcript of his message. I suggest that in the coming days, there will be little more important than each of our decisions than which side of the page we will align ourselves, for or against Israel.
We do not support Israel because we like her politics, or her leaders, or because of any reason other than God likes Israel! God has put His name, that is to say His reputation as the Sovereign and Faithful Almighty who promises and keeps His word, on what happens to Israel. Does that mean He doesn't love or care for those who may in ignorance (without knowledge) be unaware of His ways? Of course not. He offers the same forgiveness through Yeshua to those who create BIG sins as He does to those who create little sins. A sin is a sin is a sin. It may be worth mentioning here that it is reported by those in the know that literally millions of Muslims throughout the Middle East and elsewhere have been coming to faith in Yeshua. And when they do, they no longer hate Israel. Isn't that a God-sized miracle (not that all miracles aren't.)
In my Bible study just last week we were studying the story of Jacob and Esau and who got the blessing. There is so much that is applicable to today going on there. Its as if that day reverberates down to us now. May I mention that Jacob didn't steal the birthright promise from Esau, Esau had already relinquished it to Jacob; he gave it away to him over the issue of a stew, a soup. Years later, Isaac wanting a stew, a soup before he blesses Esau, "mistakenly," as far as he was concerned, gave the blessing to the one God said was to have it before the boys were born - Jacob. Note: Be careful of your decisions when you're hungry!!
But the astounding backstory to all that is how God reveals to us first Isaac's terror upon realizing what just happened. He begins to tremble violently. Why such fear? Was it because he realized he was about to act against God's explicit will and bless the wrong son? Which, not incidentally, would have affected the whole course of history. We are then also shown the agony of Esau. Read the story in Genesis 27. It's very explicit if you can picture what was taking place and the emotions involved here. We are not given such insight into Jacob or his mother's feelings other than that Jacob really ought to get out of town to flee from Esau's anger. Twenty years later Jacob returns and there is a very touching scene of reconciliation between the two brothers. Even today, such a reconciliation seems to take place in the hearts of descendants of bothJacob and of Esau when they come to Yeshua - who has taken down the middle wall that separates them. See Ephesians 2:12-14.
What we see here is that God, knowing all the animosity that would take place for generations later, even though the choice was for Jacob and not Esau, shows us that He intensely cares about the feelings, the agony, the pain, the sorrow, the loss of anyone in the throes of life. He sees our hearts. Many angry people are those who experience Esau's same kinds of emotions. Apart from Yeshua there is no hope for release from those angers and frustrations. The great miracle today is that there is an increasing number of people of every language and nation, who are aligning themselves on the side of the list with Israel - which is to say, with God, even if the governments of the world do not. Which side are you on?
Following is PM Netanyahu's speech. It is ricocheting around the world as the word of the Lord coming from Jerusalem, though it was spoken in NY.
Benjamin Netanyahu: Thank you, Mr. President.
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