Sunday, October 23, 2016


We are indeed in a God war! More than which person is seeking to be the leader in our county we who are aware of such matters, must be aware of the Spirit behind what each candidate stands for. That issue is the real issue! Even if you do not believe in God these principles are worthy of serious consideration.  This should determine whether we will vote for what is biblical or not. The reality is that behind what people do, the essential motivation aligns with God or aligns with the one who is still trying to be God, namely satan, a name which in Hebrew means adversary. And he is always the adversary of all that God is and the goodness and well being that God always intends. It is satan that manages to convince people that God and His ways are not good or good for us and so we must eat the fruit of another tree. 

This election is not about politics, folks. It is a war against the godliness of what America has stood for and what has made us great as a nation. This is a war to determine whether we can justifiably sing "God bless America" or not for God will not continue to bless a nation in continued and may I add, legislated rebellion against His will. Though no doubt you are aware of these issues perhaps I can add a bit more to consider in your choice: 

1) I need not tell you, dear readers, that abortion is murder. When God sent Israel into Canaan to destroy those nations, a good bit of God's motive was to do away with cruel and murderous practices of sacrificing babies, and often virgins, on the altars of their gods. It isn't just the acts but what kind of persons could do such horrendous things and think it's what a god wants. We may not link abortion to worship but what kind of persons are we becoming that literally millions of abortions are condoned or tolerated? 

2) Just as the land of Israel was and still is God's land (and so Canaan's practices and mentality were unsuited for His land), America is the only nation other than Israel to be so dedicated to be His. America was founded on dedicating this land in its entirety to God. He doesn't forget that. No other nation than Israel has such a foundation. Israel went from being a sovereign nation who had defeated all her enemies and stood under David as a nation in peace, to losing her nationhood when under Solomon she began to worship other gods and involve themselves in pagan practices and began to lose her peace and sovereignty. I wonder, will American continue to enjoy the peace we have if we 'constitutionalize' what are pagan practices. To make matters worse, many ways our young generation, as well as many of their parents, are entirely oblivious of the ways of God and are involved in what is ungodly. Could taking God out of schools a generation ago have anything to do with the fact that some young people have no knowledge at all of God's word, let alone His holiness. That puts our values at the mercy of subjectivity.

3) Drugs, for instance, are mentioned in the bible as pharmakia which is an attempt to attain to a feeling or another mindset which, like it or not, makes that person subject to demon influence. How much demon influence is there in our nation today? Do we even recognize it as such. Demons, btw, operate undercover, so to speak, but have their influence on the person nonetheless. 

4)There is more than one mention in Scripture of the plight of children born outside of marriage. In 2014 over 50% of all births were of single mothers. How many of those children are being raised without a father as a protector and a role model for them? Give some thought as to what those consequences might be. One wonders why there is no outcry about the reasons this is happening. Again, could taking God out of the schools have anything to do with it? At a Supreme Court decision, we might add. We've just slid into apathy about it all. That apathy, my friends, is already judgement. 

5) If you were an insightful reader of history you would learn that there is a sociological correlation between certain once powerful nations and their involvement in homosexuality that led to their downfall. One aspect takes place when a significant amount of a population is involved in homosexuality, as was the case in Rome, for instance, which left that nation with a deficit number of people in the next generation. Enough said on that issue. 

6) Note that each of the above issues are about the family which is the foundation of any culture and society. Allow the family to fragment and the cracks will go all through that civilization toward its ultimate destruction. We are at the place in our national history where it is being decided what kind of civilization we will be recorded in history as having become. 

7) Our Constitution was designed by the Founding Fathers on the foundation of the bible, specifically the teachings of Moses. Give thought, for instance, of how just one law - to regard any (and note the emphasis on any person, regardless of gender, color, race or religion) - of any accused person to be considered as innocent until proven guilty. This one edict has set the standard of justice in our nation. The implications of that law alone runs like iron supports through our Justice system. Remove those standards of biblical justice and readjust the Supreme Court decisions to subjective motives (of minority groups, btw) and we jeopardize the very foundation of our nation. Consider also that unborn persons are also among those who are innocent but who are deemed worthy of the death sentence by their own parents.

8) God instituted marriage as the foundation of all that would follow. The command to our first parents was to go forth and multiply, something that can't be done by a same-sex couple so that sanctioning them violates the first commandment of God. Institutionalize the violation of that commandment in the various ways that we are doing now and society begins to crumble from within. We have a chance to rescue this slide into what the bible calls depravity by voting on the biblical issues to align with biblical principles.

It has kept the Jews alive when others sought to destroy them. Don't let sympathies for individuals who are involved with ungodly practices be the motivating factor in your decisions or you will be contributing to the potential demise of America. We are standing at the crossroad of history. This is not a message of hate toward any persons, including either candidate or anyone who has or does practice any of those matters mentioned above. It is the practices and acts we are against because they are ultimately detrimental to our very nation, but we do not condemn the people. 

We are all in this together and to maintain attitudes of judgment or criticism or hatred is to violate the very character and nature of God who loves all persons, though He does seek to bring each person to a knowledge of Himself and His ways. As the bible puts in so many words, hate the sin (for what it does results in) but love the sinner. Put another way, vote for the maintaining of biblical principles but keep a loving heart toward those who don't agree with you. Can I get an amen?