Messianic Prophecies
Hebrew Scriptures / Tenach
New Covenant Fulfillment
Messiah’s pre-existent and Eternal nature: Only God can be eternal, proving His divinity.
Micah 5:2; Isaiah 9:6; Psalm
90:2; 102:25-27
Matthew 1:23; Luke1: 31, 32;
John 1:1, 14; Hebrews 1:10-
12; 1 Tim 3:16
Born in Bethlehem;
Micah 5:2; Jeremiah 33:14-15;
Matthew 1:1; 2:1; Luke 2:4-7;
Descendent of David
Ezekiel 17:22-24; 34:23-34
Luke 3:23-31;
Born of a Virgin
Isaiah 7:14 (Alma refers to a virgin, not young woman or maiden as some translations say. It would be no miraculous sign if she were not a virgin.
Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-
Descendent of Abraham, through whom the world is ultimately blessed.
Genesis 12:3
Matthew 1:1-16; 8:5, 10.
From the tribe of Judah and descendent of David; Jesse was David’s father
Genesis 49:10; 2 Sam 7:12; 1
Chron. 17:11; Psalm 110:1; 132:11; (rod of Jesse) Isaiah 11:1
Matthew 1:1; 9:27; 22:43;
Luke 1:32; Romans 1:3; Luke
3:23, 32
Declared to “God with us” and “the Son of God.”
Isaiah 7:14; Psalm 2:7;
Matthew 1:23; 3:17; Romans
He would be a son called out of Egypt.
Hosea 11:1
Matthew 2:15
He would be presented with gifts by kings who would pay tribute to him.
Psalm 72:10, 11
Matthew 2:1-11
He would be a Nazarene
Judges 13:5; Amos 2:11;
Lamentations 4:7
Matthew 2:23
His ministry would take place in Galilee.
Isaiah 9:1-7
Matthew 4:12-16
Messiah would come at a prophetically designated time.
Daniel 9:25-26
Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10
A messenger would go before Him to prepare the way for Him in the spirit of Elijah.
Isaiah 40:3,4; Malachi 3:1;
Matthew 3:3; 11:7-11; Luke
1:17; John 1:23
He would be a prophet like Moses (able to stand in God’s presence and reflect the glory of God on His face, give a law to the people, miracles, feed people bread from heaven,
Deuteronomy 18:15
Matthew 2:15; (reflect God’s glory); John 13:34 (New command given); Matthew 14:19-21 (Feed bread to the people miraculously); Luke 19:37 (miracles performed)
God would call Him His Son and be delighted in Him.
1 Chron. 17:13a; Psalm 2:7;
Isaiah 42:1
Matthew 3:17; 17:5; Hebrews
Anointed by the Holy Spirit - to preach good news to poor, brokenhearted captives.
Psalm 45:7; 147:3a; Isaiah 11:2; 42:3; 61:1
Matthew 3:16-17; 11:5; John
4:14; Hebrews 1:9;
He bore our sicknesses and healed many (deaf, blind, lame, epileptics, etc.)
Isaiah 35:5-6; 29:18; 53:4; 147:3b
Matthew 8:16-17; 11:5
Sent by Father-God to speak His word.
Deut 18:18
John 8:28-29
Words of Grace came from His lips.
Psalm 45:2
Luke 4:22
As a Teacher He taught in parables.
Psalm 78:1,2; Isaiah 48:17
Matthew 13:34-35; John 3:2
God’s Spirit was upon Him
Isaiah 42:1; 61:1
Luke 4:18 ; Acts 10:38
He spoke with authority and the wisdom of God.
Psalm 78:2b; Proverbs 2:6
Luke 2:52 (Even as a child He had wisdom); Matthew 7:29; Mark 6:2;
His character of goodness, grace, justice, truth and compassion.
Psalm 100:5; 112:4; Isaiah
9:7; 11:2,4; 42:2
Matthew 9:36; 11:28-30;
19:16-17; John 4:4-26; 5:30;
Messiah would have a ministry of miracles
Isaiah 35:5; 53:5
Matthew 11:46; Luke 19:37;
Acts 2:22. (Matthew 13:58 – He did so many miracles that it was note-worthy when no miracles were performed.)
Blind eyes opened
Isaiah 42:7
John 9:25-38
Messiah would enter the Temple with authority
Malachi 3:1
Matthew 21:12; Luke 19:45
The people were trusting in traditions that exceeded God’s word to them.
Isaiah 29:13
Matthew 15:8
He was a “stone of stumbling”
Isaiah 8:14-15
1 Peter 2:8
to many in Israel.
He was hated without cause & accused by false witnesses
Psalm 35:11, 19
Matthew 27:23
Entered Jerusalem on a donkey; hailed as King
Zechariah 9:9
Matthew 21:1-11
He remained silent before His accusers.
Isaiah 53:7
Matthew 26:62, 63; 27:12-14
He was spat upon, beaten and scourged (with a whip).
Wounded for our sins. His body would be pierced.
Isaiah 50:6; 53:5; Micah 5:1 (He was the judge who was smitten on his cheek) Zechariah 12:10a
Matthew 27:26, 30; John 6:51;
John 19:34-37
He bore (carried) the sins of many
Isaiah 53:10-12 (Read all of Isaiah 53 – major prophesy of Messiah)
Mark 10:45
Crucified with convicted criminals
Isaiah 53:12
Matthew 27:35
Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
Zechariah 11:12
Matthew 26:15; Luke 22:5
Forsaken by His friends in the end
Psalm 41:9; Zechariah 13:7
Matthew 26:56; John 13:21
Messiah was not killed for Himself
Daniel 9:26
Matthew 20:28
It is His blood that effected the Atonement of the New Covenant
Leviticus 17:11
1 John 3:14-18
Not one of His bones was broken
Numbers 9:12
John 19:31-36
He would be buried in a rich man’s tomb
Isaiah 53:9
Matthew 27:59, 60; Mark
15:46; Luke 23:52, 53; John
He took the curse of sin by being hanged on a tree (wooden cross)
Deuteronomy 21:23
Acts 10:39; Galatians 3:10-13
Messiah is initiator of God’s New Covenant w/ Israel, open
Isaiah 55:3-4; Jeremiah 31-
Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24;
Luke 22:20; Acts 10: 34, 35;
to all men
Hebrews 8:6-13
“Behold Your God!” He would come to Zion as Redeemer
Isaiah 40:9; 59:20
John 1:36; 19:14; Luke 2:38
It was God’s plan for Messiah to die
Zechariah 13:7a
John 18:11
He would ascend into heaven
Daniel 7:13
Acts 1:9-11
Gentiles flock to Him
Isaiah 55:5; 60:3; 65:1;
Malachi 1:11; 2 Samuel
22:44-45; Psalm 2:7-8
Matthew 8:10; John 12:21
He will come again! And we who are His will be with Him forever.
Zechariah 14:5
Mark 13:26; 1 Thessalonians